Impacts & Evaluation
We have specialism in impact assessing and evaluating projects and programmes.
The activities of the SN consortium, namely the Single Point of Access (SPA), the multi-agency response team (CATCH) and the Lottery funded Connecting Communities programme were evaluated during 2016. Over the three years while operating as a pilot we supported over 650 people and managed or co-ordinated many more enquiries. Our outcomes reflect the aim of responding rapidly and putting in place the necessary support to prevent escalation of need.
People were supported by staff using SN’s Supporting You IT system which allows multi-agency working, supports active case management and provides real-time management information including impact and outcomes assessment and costs.
The CLES report identified the following key benefits of the SPA/CATCH service:
- person focused service
- responsive, efficient and effective in delivering outcomes
- unique IT system enabling multi-agency working and outcome focused reporting required by service commissioners
- culture of collaboration between VCSE and statutory agencies
- connected to the community and engaging customers on co-production principles
- valued by SN members and by stakeholders
The data for these three years has now been analysed allowing a detailed profile to be prepared of support needs, costs of interventions and outcomes achieved. The data also includes equality monitoring statistics. This data is supporting funding bids and business planning.