‘OnePathway’ – helping organisations to embrace digital transformation and to collaborate.
Support Northamptonshire has led on digital transformation. Working with our IT partner Ulysses (UDMS Ltd) we have developed OnePathway, a unique cutting edge platform to support organisations deliver faster, better outcomes for people and especially for collaborating organisations.
This unique system includes person-centred common assessment, support planning and outcomes frameworks and impact assessments co-designed with customers.
OnePathway assesses levels of need, records case type, professional time and average cost per case, and maps outcomes based on distance travelled, measured on a 6 point scale and across an outcomes framework customised to organisational requirements. OnePathway includes a reporting suite to enable organisations to track KPIs and assess the impact of their services.
OnePathway enables organisations to demonstrate the costs and benefits of their service model, helps meet needs of commissioners and supports the continuous improvement of services.
One Pathway Core Platform:
Designed to be your back-office
Assess your impact with ease
Manage your projects effectively
Develop your volunteers
One Pathway Teamwork Portal:
One Pathway MHNC Portal:
For further information contact:
Tish Shah One Pathway Development Manager
(+44) 7902 976135
Russell Adams One Pathway Contracts Manager
Or get in touch with us here: contact us
‘OnePathway’ – Case Studies
The service model has been designed by multiagency customers and their stories describe the difference this has made to them. It is one of our primary sources of evidencing impact.
A family presented at a high statutory level
11 hours work by three partners, 6 key outcomes achieved, distance travelled score across all outcomes improved by average 3 points
‘I am no longer under the threat of eviction.. I have control over what I can do and …I feel safe and secure for my son who is a joint tenant, as he is in a safe environment … I feel his mental health will be improved’
30 year old man presented at level 2 expressing isolation and low mood
7 hours work, 5 outcomes achieved, distance travel score improved by average 2 points
‘Am starting to go out and be busy and want to help others’
Young adult with learning disabilities presented at level 3
9 hours work co-ordinated by SN, 3 outcomes achieved, distance travelled score improved on average by 3 points
‘Thank you I just wanted somewhere to live and have my own things’
Young mother presented at level 3
2 hours work by 2 partner agencies, one key outcome, distance travelled from 1-4
‘I am pleased I went to talk with (name of active listening worker). I now feel able to talk to my family and gave me the confidence to talk to my GP who totally understood why I felt the way I did. I am looking forward to going to work as a Nursery Nurse’
See the impact of the precursor and inspiration behind One Pathway – Supporting You