The Support Northamptonshire consortium is a group of over 27 local organisations committed to working together for the benefit of residents and communities. It includes housing, care and support providers, plus general and specialist agencies, which work closely with voluntary sector organisations and local communities.

The organisations involved include:

Northamptonshire Black Communities Together (NBCT)

NBCT is hosted by Support Northamptonshire leading collaborations, affecting change, build strong and resilient communities and improving support and services. Our purpose is to ensure the growth of sustainable and resilient Black communities across Northamptonshire. With the following aims:

  • Develop an effective and sustainable infrastructure for Black Community Organisations
  • Develop and enhance collaboration between Black Community Organisations
  • Improve support, services, and resources for Black communities and enable equal access to services
  • Campaign for change

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Aim Higher

Aimhigher Northamptonshire Ltd is a Matrix accredited not-for-profit organisation that works with schools, colleges, work-based learning providers and community projects covering a range of activities to widen and increase participation in the next level of learning, employment and training.

Care & Repair

Care and Repair Northamptonshire provide a range of practical services designed to support older, disabled and vulnerable people and enable them to continue to live safe, warm and secure within their own homes.

Daylight Centre Fellowship

Daylight Centre help people in Wellingborough and the surrounding districts of in meeting personal challenges that range from complex mental health issues, drug and alcohol abuse, learning difficulties, to homelessness or just feeling fragile, isolated and alone.


Through further education courses, excursions, clubs, organised groups, events and volunteering, Dostiyo provides women and girls opportunities to develop their identity, strengths and abilities. Services offered reflect the wishes of members and in a safe, empowering and culturally sensitive environment.

Glamis Hall

Glamis Hall is a community, wellbeing centre providing a range of support and services and facilities include consists of a large hall with kitchen and servery, community room, changing rooms and a wellbeing centre.

Northamptonshire Rights and Equalities Council

NREC promotes equality of opportunity, the elimination of discrimination and good relations. They provide advice for individuals on racial, religious, homophobic or disability harassment, attacks and discrimination and provide Training/consultancy on discrimination and equal opportunities policies to voluntary and statutory sector, and employers.

Serve UK

SERVE has been supporting independence in East Northamptonshire and further afield since the 1980s.

Our mission is to ensure that everyone who wishes to remain in their own home, irrespective of their age or disability, is enabled to do so.

We provide a range of services to help you stay fit and healthy and enjoy the independence that living in your own home provides.

Access Corby

The voluntary and community sector in Corby have come together to form a consortium which plans to bid for funding to deliver preventative services in Corby. Access Corby is the name given to this consortium. It will be a new organisation that will be registered as a company limited by Guarantee and a Charity.


The Teamwork Trust delivers a wide range of programmes for vulnerable adults who have short-term or enduring mental health issues, learning difficulties, physical disabilities and can support people to achieve their goals, maintain well-being and increase skills.

Victoria Centre

Victoria Centre is a multi-cultural community centre. Victoria Centre has served all sections of the town’s diverse population with facilities and groups for older people, young people, black and minority ethnic groups, arts groups and more.

Wellingborough District Home Start

HomeStart offer support, friendship and practical help to parents with young children, living within the Borough of Wellingborough.

Northamptonshire Carers Association

Those who provide informal care to others deserve a good quality of life.

We aim to offer comprehensive support services to Carers living in Northamptonshire. We recognise their contribution to society and will endeavour to empower carers in improving their quality of life. Our organisation is Carer-Led and our developments will be a response to Carer’s needs.

Northampton & District Mind

Northampton and District Mind offer high quality recovery-based services to adults and young people who live in the areas of Northampton, Daventry, Brackley, Towcester, or South Northants.

During 2013, we supported 4989 individuals who accessed 1-1 support, our information service, or via direct access to our recovery and social inclusion services. We’re here to make sure that anyone with a mental health problem, their friends, or their families have support and raise awareness of mental health; to challenge stigma associated with mental illness; and to promote and support positive mental health.

Kettering Mind

We are Kettering Mind, the local mental health charity. We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone, so we’re here for you whether you’re stressed, depressed, in crisis or just want someone to talk to. We’ll listen, give you support and advice and fight your corner.

Northampton Womens Aid

Northampton Womens Aid provides safe, secure and confidential accommodation in refuges for women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence or the threat of domestic violence. They also provide an outreach & support services for women who live in their own accommodation.


NAASH offers. Accommodation for single homeless population. This includes self-contained apartments plus emergency units,. As well as offering accommodation, Oasis House gives residents access to:

  • A day care centre
  • Housing advice
  • Employment support
  • Substance misuse support
  • Medical services
  • IT suite
  • Arts and craft centre
  • Kitchen garden
Charity Link

We believe that all local people deserve a decent standard of living, with a right to adequate food, shelter and the means to keep warm, clean and rested – no matter what difficulty they may be facing. We do this by finding funding to provide the essential items that everyone deserves.

Wellingborough Family Hostels

Wellingborough Family Hostels Ltd support the development of life and daily living skills with a focus on tenancy management and sustainment. Primarily 16-18 year olds but will accommodate up to 25 year olds.

Wellingborough Mind

Whether people are experiencing mental health problems or going through a difficult time in their life, Wellingborough Mind can support people by offering one to one support, well-being courses, social groups and counselling.

Blackthorn Good Neighbours

Blackthorn Good Neighbours is a registered charity community organisation, and we work with local people to improve lives and help develop services to meet local needs.

Our work is based in Blackthorn – from the Community Centre and the BGN Family Centre (the former Pig and Whistle Pub) but we support groups and run services and events in a wider area including Goldings, Lings and Lumbertubs.

CAB Kettering and Corby

We provide free, confidential and impartial advice and campaign on big issues affecting people’s lives.

Our goal is to help everyone find a way forward, whatever problem they face.

We’re an independent charity and part of the Citizens Advice network across England and Wales.

Northampton Hope Centre

We work to relieve poverty and tackle the causes of homelessness in Northampton by giving people a hand up not a hand out.

Recognising that if you continually provide hand-outs there is no incentive to become self sufficient our work is focused on helping others to help themselves, providing support and services that will enable individuals to take back control of their own lives.

Spire Homes

We understand that a safe, secure and well-maintained home is really important. We also know that the services we deliver make a real difference to people’s lives.

We understand the importance of putting people at the heart of everything we do. We’ve helped tens of thousands of people over the years, and whatever life has thrown at them, we’ve been there to support, encourage, and helped them to decide the next steps.

With over 5,000 properties throughout Northamptonshire, Rutland and Leicestershire, we also have a significant programme to build more affordable homes.

Our drive, energy and enthusiasm have helped us to make significant impact in local communities and look at how we can improve existing services and deliver new services that have a positive impact.


Youth and community work across the Kettering and Corby areas. Early intervention and prevention programmes for children, young people and their families to help them maintain quality of life, prevent problems getting worse and reduce the demand for specialist support service, information, support and counselling to promote emotional well-being.

Wellingborough Homes

Wellingborough Homes is a housing association, set up to meet the housing needs of people in Wellingborough and the surrounding areas. They provide high quality homes and believe in creating friendly communities where people want to live.

East Northamptonshire Community Services

East Northamptonshire Community Services providing a range of services for people who are homeless and people with drug and alcohol problems. A range of support and services that provide pathways out of homelessness.